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Stand Out & Sell Out Online Business Academy VIP

You are READY to take your business to consistent 5K MONTHS and BEYOND... but you can't afford to do it with the added hustle, burnout, stress and overwhelm, am I right?


As a CEO, you really can't afford to be spending all your time doing the wrong things, or spending hours on end trying to figure out what to post, what's working, and what your next move is, am I right?

➡️ Between wearing all the hats, being a wife, a mom, a dog mom, a CEO, and maybe even working your 9-5 still you don't know HOW you could possible be showing up on social media more to stand out as an authority to your audience- sounds exhausting right?

➡️ By the time you sit down to work on your business your brain is so fried, you can't even think straight, let alone write compelling content... 

 I want you to know... this program is so much more than just growing your business and your income.... It's about growing your community, your confidence, and your brand, and doing it with a proper strategy so you no longer feel stressed, overwhelmed or burnt out, because regardless of your circumstances, I KNOW without a doubt that you can build your dream business, and have a MASSIVE IMPACT while doing so - no matter what. 

Inside you can say goodbye to self-doubt, comparison, and feeling like you have to stay small... 👋🏼

YOUR TIME AND ENERGY ARE VALUABLE AF, and inside Stand Out & Sell Out Online Business Academy,  I am giving you the EXACT steps you need to turn your passions into a PROFIT. 💰

If you've been trying everything to get your business to really take off, but are struggling to actually turn a profit and hit those consistent 5k + months, and are feeling like "maybe it's just not for me", or "maybe if I were just better at writing content" or... "maybe if I had more time in a day"... I want you to know I am here to HELP YOU and it's time to ditch those feelings NOW. 

You work your butt off and I am guessing you started a business so that you could spend MORE TIME doing things you love and are passionate about..not be constantly overwhelmed, burnt out, overwhelmed, and stressed about trying to grow a profitable business... 

👉You're struggling with knowing what to post to attract your soulmate client or customer... 

👉 You constantly battle with self-doubt and ask yourself if you have what it takes to become the person you desire to be.

👉You're feeling like you suck at sales, and even asking for the sale sometimes just feels "ICK".

👉You're worried that no one is engaging and its beyond frustrating. 

👉You have a hard time managing your time and priorities... 


You can absolutely build a wildly successful business, and have your CAKE AND EAT IT TOO 🍰 YOU GET TO HAVE EVERYTHING you ever wanted, and it starts right HERE. 

Because I have been where you are...  and I’m giving you everything that I WISH someone had given me upfront. 

Inside my 7 week LIVE program: Stand Out & Sell Out Online Business Academy, I will help you turn your passions into profit with my step framework to 5k +  months- without all the fluff, overcomplicating steps, and constant wheels spinning. 

Here's what's inside Stand Out & Sell Out Online Business Academy:

MODULE 1: Creating your CEO mindset for success. The ultimate framework for uncovering your true limitless potential.  Because if you allow yourself to be limitless, you can achieve all of your goals.

Inside we are going to tap into the fears that are holding you back and how to step into them.  

MODULE 2: Building Your profitable Brand. A step-by-step framework to a profitable brand that STANDS OUT & SELLS OUT. 

Your brand matters, who you are and how you show up differently MATTERS. When you can put these pieces together you will attract the most incredibly aligned soulmate clients and customers right to your business. 

MODULE 3: How to Create MORE TIME and Less Stress. 

Simple methods for taking the overwhelm and stress out of building a successful business.

As a mom of 3, building my businesses in the last 5 years, I have nailed down the art of "HAVING IT ALL" and so can you because you deserve to HAVE IT ALL. Your thriving business and being present with your loved ones, doing things you LOVE. 

MODULE 4: Socials that stand out and sell out. 

My framework for eliminating the stress, overwhelm and confusion out of what to post, when and where and how to attract the dreamiest audience members who show up ready to buy your offers 💸.

Let's just take the guesswork out of what the heck to post on your socials so that you can start attracting more clients and closing more sales, alright?

MODULE 5: Amplifying your sales. 

Method for mastering your confidence in sales, and maximizing your CLOSE rate. 

Not confident in sales? You will be after this method, Sales is not scary, it's a necessity of life, and I am going to show you how to grab sales by the horns and turn up the volume on your close rate. 


Method for mapping out a successful LAUCH just like the pros do it. 

I will walk you through my EXACT 30, 45, or 60 day LAUNCH PLAN, what kind of content to create, and how to plan your launch strategically around selling your offers. 

Are you ready to start turning your passions into a successful profitable business and not just a hobby?

Inside you will...

✨ Learn to recognize what is currently holding you back and how to unleash the most powerful version of YOU as a CEO, and kick the overwhelm that comes with building a business to the curb.

 ✨Take a deep dive into why you do what you do, what makes you different and why your soulmate client needs what YOU have to offer and how to get them lined up with their credit cards wanting to buy your product or service by speaking to them in all you do. 

✨ Walk through and live out your DREAM DAY, learn to adopt a daily method of operation and the habits every busy mom needs to create maximum leverage in her business. Recognize the GAPS in your current schedule and how to CREATE MORE TIME, and nail down your productivity and prioritization while making as you grow your business. 

✨How to step into and become the most confident version of yourself when it comes to sales, so you feel excited about selling your product or service and attract more people who want to buy from you, the do's and don'ts of following up with your leads and overcoming objections the RIGHT way.

Are you ready to have fun, grow your business, your social media presence, and be fully supported in doing so?




2, 1:1 Private mentorship calls

7 weeks of Voxer Mentorship

1, 30 Min IG Audit


What People Are Saying:

Kait you are an amazing talented coach, and I love how passionate you are to help people with their businesses. Not only have you helped me with my business, but you also helped with my mindset and confidence. You inspire me every day, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without your support!

Kristin H

Working with Kait was definitely a life changer! Not only did she show me how to navigate and succeed in the online world, she also helped me gain confidence in myself, as well as showed me the importance of personal development- which is a huge factor when it comes to being an Entrepreneur.

Darian P

I have been enjoying the course. And the help you have given with my mindset and trying to rethink things. It felt like my business was out in left field compared to the other participants but you made an effort to be inclusive which is great.


In my 7 years of business I've never come across or taken anything that's educated me more AND provides tangibles tips and steps to go implement than that last hour. Holy effff

Kyler C

Hey! I just wanted to thank you again for your mini course. It has helped and is going to help tremendously! It's already made such a difference in allowing me to really enjoy creating content! So thank you!


Kait is clear and straightforward in her delivery. I love the realness of her program and the simple yet practical changes that she has made available to help with my vision of the future. I liked that I could do it at my own pace and not feel like I was behind . And the encouragement offered throughout the program. Love this program! Thank you

Margarita M

Working with Kait was such an amazing experience. I was about a year into my business and as a mom of 3 kids, I felt totally overwhelmed. Her techniques on time management not only helped me conquer my schedule, they also made it so I felt at EASE.. time is the most important thing in the world to me, and she helped me get some of it back! She also helped me create such a powerful money mindset. Highly recommend working with her if you’re looking for someone who’s processes actually work. 👏🏻

Cass Tipper

I just want to thank you for creating this course because I have learned so much AND on top of that... I made an organic sale with restarting my Instagram and just being present & building & implementing what you've taught in your course! 🎉🎉🎉 So stoked to keep going through the modules! Eeeek!

Krysta R