If you are looking for a proven strategy to create time-saving content that sells your offers, become a stand out brand while building a HOT, ready to BUY community, and accelerate your sales all through the POWER of social media... You are in the right place friend 🥂
You will want to pull up a chair and join The Magnetic Sales Society Membership
Take Your Content From Crickets 🦗 To Cashflow 💸
Let's talk for a sec...
You know how important it is to build a desirable brand on social media and market that brand well to attract more of the right people and make sales for your business... And you probably know the power of having an expert beside you to support you in this... I am here to do that for you inside this community.

✨ Each Month inside The Magnetic Sales Society Membership, you will open the doors to unlimited possibilities when it comes to creating CONTENT THAT STANDS OUT and SELL OUT sales strategy so you never have to wonder where your next sale is coming from again.  

✅ Each month you'll get THE SALES CONTENT GLOSSARY (your new secret weapon for turning messages into hard hitting copywriting that makes you BANK) which includes how to sign on clients & make money through creating highly magnetic content 💸...no more scrambling or guessing where your next client or customer is going to come from. 

✅ You will get weekly sales content & scroll stopping hooks guaranteed to grab your dream clients attention 

✅ Access to my 5 Figure Month Sales trainings every month, access to scripts and Never get another objection again type of content and convos. 

✅ My exact strategies that brought me $5k, $10k and $20k months in just my first few months of coaching through the power of building a brand and creating content on social media. 

✅ If you have been dreaming of a community, and space where you can feel supported and elevated in where you are going in your business...

✅ Each month you will be invited to a Q&A on Zoom where you will build long lasting relationships inside a private exclusive community and get your questions answered, as well as gain access to trainings on the HOTTEST and highly desired topics around sales and creating magnetic AF content 💸


All that anxiety, overwhelm, frustration, and insecurity you once felt when it comes to  selling your offers and content creation?

Expelliarmus! 🪄 GONE!




💸 Do you crave having a powerful message that will create "she's in my head" type of content that will create distance between you and your competitors in the online space


💸 Do you desire to learn how to create "Is she inside my head" content and become the most desirable choice for your dream clients? 


💸 Are you ready to learn and step into the simple mindset, content strategy and sales strategies that I personally used to QUICKLY take my business to over $100K in just one year? 


 💸 Do you want to feel so  f*cking confident in how you show up on social media, knowing that your dream clients are binging the 💩 out of your content and it is activating them to take action and move into your offers? 


💸 Want to become the BRAND that stands out, and wake up everyday knowing your content is doing the work for you every single day?


💸 Do you truly crave a space where you can learn potent and powerful content strategies that will not only increase the amount of dream clients that flow into your business daily, but also the amount of money that lands inside your bank account?


Chances are... you already have a really strong offer and a strong client experience, and powerful persuasive messaging, and you do stand out from the crowd, but it needs to be cleaned up, clarified and actually implanted into the content that you are creating. 

Within my Content Messaging Sales Frameworks inside The Magnetic Sales Society, I will show you how to do that and do that FAST. 

I am ready to start sending the RIGHT message to my DREAMY AF clients 💸
Just a few wins from those already rocking the strategies used inside this Membership... 💃 💸

You will get the EXACT same content & sales systems I have used to help MULTIPLE businesses...

✅ 10X their conversion rate and increase their sales

✅ Increase their sales up to $100k months by implementing organic launch strategies 🤯

✅ Have 4 & 5 figure sales days with less than 1000 followers and only posting a few posts a week

Receipts for days...

If you have tons of screenshot testimonials, use the Testimonial Builder Canva Template in your Sales Page Template Resources to create your own version of the image below. 

If you you only want to share a few testimonials, hide this section and show the hidden testimonial section instead.

Write over or delete this section as needed.

And YES – you’re going get these too when you go ALL IN on [what your course is all about goes right here]!

The Magnetic 🧲 Sales Society is for you if:
That's ME Emoji
You constantly find yourself asking... "What do I post today to connect with and attract my dream clients?" and find yourself questioning more than posting.
That's ME Emoji
You spend hours scrolling social media looking for inspo, only to find yourseld wrapped up in a blanket of comparison and self doubt asking yourself "Why am I not where she is, or how is she so good at this!?" 
That's ME Emoji
You find you are looking for that magic hack to get your dream clients binging your content like Netflix
That's ME Emoji
You are showing up, doing the things, posting the content, and no matter what you do or say... no one is buying. 
That's ME Emoji
You have offers you KNOW more people should be jumping inside, but no matter how much you show up and talk about them... the results just aren't matching the output and work you're putting in 

You never have to find yourself feeling like this ever AGAIN... With The Magnetic 🧲 Sales Society Membership... You will  

💸 Have support and mentorship from a social media marketing queen (who has less than 10K followers and has been able to scale multiple programs still) at your fingertips and a supportive community of motivated, empowered humans.

💸 Understand why MOST marketing feels the same, feels lame, feels bland and truly understand how to pivot your marketing to stand out s you can call in your soulmate clients 

💸 Nail your BRAND messaging so you don't sound like anyone else... 

💸 Can Build a HIGHLY desired brand online, so you become the MAGNETIC 🧲 match for your dream clients and customers (This is where you will get clear on EXACTLY what your clients & customer is trying to achieve and you will discover simple content methods to learn how to actually speak to them)

💸 Have an experts eyes on your content, so you can feel confident in what you are creating, and stop second guessing your genius and the magic within you. You will know exactly what you should lead with when talking about your products & services because that it was I will outline for you. 

❌ No More Growth Hacks

❌ No More Pain Point Marketing

❌ No More TRYING To Hack The Algorithm

This is where you come to get REAL RESULTS. 

The Activated Audience Masterclass (Value $88)
 How to Activate Your Audience & Build A THRIVING, Highly Engaged Business on Social Media. 
$5K In 30 Days Masterclass (Value $88)
 My Simple AF Sales Sequence to consistent 5K + Months 🚀 
Margs & Money Masterclass (Value $77)
 Where you get to DITCH the rules around sales & Have a lot more FUN while making BANK!
The Quantum Leap To $20K Months Masterclass (Value $88)
 Unlocking my entire 20K Month Strategy 🎉 
The Content Move$ To Cash Planner (Value $47)
  Take the overwhelm and overthinking out of the content you are creating and give you some ease and flow when it comes to creating juicy AF content that has your dream clients screaming "I WANT IN", and "SEND ME THE LINK!"
The 6 Figure Sprint Masterclass (Value $111)
 Becoming The Abundant CEO in Overflow. 


The CONTENT TO CASH BOOTCAMP (Value $444) -(12 Month Commitment ONLY)
 Whip your content into shape & turn your IG into a cash converting machine with my PROVEN 5 STEP METHOD TO 5 FIGURE CASH MONTHS.
The Stand Out Sell Out Online Business Academy (Value $697) (12 Month Commitment ONLY)
 - A Simple AF ROADMAP To Build An Online Presence That Generates Consistent $5K-$10K months Without Your Friends, Your Family, Or Your Netflix Account Wondering Where The Heck You Have Been Lately!


The Magnetic 🧲 Sales Society was made for you if...
You're a coach, course creator, or service-based business owner waves in your industry and want to breakthrough the ceiling and be known as the GO TO person in your niche 
You know how important content creation is to sell your offers but every-time you sit down to write something you draw a blank and have a hard time staying consistent
You are reaching some people with your content, but you aren't seeing any monetary return...  
You are ready to have a highly engaged community that craves what you create, and is patiently waiting for you to post about your offers so they can BUY THEM. 

If creating MAGNETIC 🧲 AF CONTENT, and selling your offers on autopilot, and having the MOST FUN EVER in your business ever is on your vision board... 

Bio Image

Hey, I'm Kait 

When I started my coaching business in 2022, I had the "no matter what" energy from DAY 1... I was willing to do whatever it took to achieve my goals, no matter how long it took me to get there. 

But... I wanted to do things differently, and MY WAY. Coming from Network Marketing, I was tired of seeing so many women try and do the same things over and over and not get results...feeling constantly burnt out and frustrated with the "hustle mentality"... so I decided to go on a mission to learn everything I could about the new era of sales and marketing, and create a space where I would "Break ALL the rules" and try a new approach.  

I created my first offer, The Stand Out Sell Out Online Business Academy, helping female entrepreneurs grow and scale their businesses to consistent $5K + months, by leaning into a heart led approach to selling, creating content from the soul, and building a brand that stands out and sells OUT.

I launched it in April of 2022, and little did I know this was a pivotal moment for what was to come... 

Since then, I've booked out $10K private coaching packages, soared to $20K months in income, left my full-time job, signed 100s of women into my offers, and had so much more fun, scaling my coaching business to six figures in just one year with 3 kids at my side. 

None of the strategies I used included... 

❌ DM Outreach 

❌ Constant Follow Ups 

❌ Sales Calls

❌ Paid Marketing 

❌ "This is WHY you NEED to invest" convincing energy type of content

I've booked out my offers, and had multiple people join my programs before I even launch them, by simply talking about them, stepping into embodiment, and showing up and having a lot of fun selling 💸

Because of this new era of selling and marketing that I have stepped into... 

My clients have become more empowered, so incredible to work with, actually GET results, and consistently want to resign into other offers Because we aren't using BRO MARKETING strategies that lead people to feeling guilt or regret about stepping into my offers. 

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Access To Quarterly Paid Masterclasses 
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Monthly LIVE Coaching Sessions
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Access to my up to date TOP converting content prompts and calls to action 
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Exclusive member discounts & perks  
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Weekly Q&A + Content Review/Feedback 

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Access to templates, scripts, and BTS of Kait's current marketing strategies that are working right now.
Let's do this thang... 🤸🏽‍♀️

12 Month Pay In Full - BEST BANG FOR YOUR BUCK


I am SO IN!



Let's do it!

6 Month Pay in Full

$485 USD

Take me there now!!



Save me a seat!!

"Thank you for everything so far. I feel like I have that spark back, I'm excited when I wake up and get to create something amazing"  -Lexi, Life Coach

I am on it like hot sauce! 🍝